Tag Archives: Makeup Tutorial

Finding Your Joy

Image by Bob Dmyt from Pixabay

This wasn’t how we expected 2020 to go. I’m sure I’m not alone in that sentiment. For many of you 2020 has been a year of hardships, the loss of jobs, a struggle with finances and for many, the loss of loved ones. As we enter another long month, the future still unknown, many of us have a hard time looking past all the negative changes that have plagued our lives. It’s hard to see anything but the negative, the uncertainty and fear in a world struggling with conflict and more a political and societal unrest that is terrifying to all of us. We don’t know what the future holds, so it’s hard to see the bright side. It’s hard to see the beauty.

I struggle every day to look for the good, the positive. In a normal year I would be firmly entrenched in my bridal season, experiencing the brightest, most exciting day in countless lives of woman as they enter a new chapter with the person who makes them feel complete. This year has a very different perspective. Most of my brides have been forced to reschedule to 2021, while a small handful have met the challenges thrown at them by 2020 and our current pandemic and embraced the idea of mini-monies (miniature ceremonies).

The first mini-mony I participated in was a very surreal experience. I still wasn’t used to working in masks and gloves, and it was strange to be around people wearing masks like I was while I worked. No hand shaking, no happy hugs at the end. But what I learned from Kimberly, was that even during these hard times you can find ways to celebrate. She and her love turned their home into their venue with only her parents and his in attendance, all in full masks. Her wedding dress couldn’t be finished in time because the dress shop was closed, but instead of losing her joy, she chose another dress that she loved. She was full of energy and joy and excited to be joining her life to the man of her dreams. What Kimberly taught me that day was that you can find light even in the darkest of times.

This past Saturday I saw how a creative and flexible bride can have the full bridal experience even while in quarantine. While I worked on her hair and makeup, again in full mask, gloves and outside in fresh air, her bridal party joined her via Zoom. All six women were there on her computer screen, watching the process, sharing in the moment – while wearing their special bridesmaid robes and sipping champagne – so that she wasn’t alone on a day when having your tribe around you means so much. She was able to have the full bride experience, even though they were miles apart. Her wedding ceremony had zero physical attendants and yet was watched by all her friends and family during a live stream.

So, even though 2020 has not gone as planned, there are so many ways to be creative, so many ways to have an experience you will never forget. So many ways to connect with your loved ones and in the end still be able to say ‘I do’.

So, to all the brides who are embracing mini-monies…Thanks for finding the color and joy while the world is so gray. And for the rest of my brides, I’ll be seeing you in 2021!

Method Makeup Academy, Sacramento’s Makeup School

Color Correctors

Video Tutorial CLICK HERE

Brands I recommend: The LA Girl Liquid Correctors Yellow & Green. They make an Orange but I personally feel this is too dark and creates more work than necessary to get a good color for your correction. The best orange in my opinion is the MAC Pure Orange. This is the best orange with a really nice bright tone that blends beautifully. I also love MAC Cosmetics Ochre which is an excellent yellow corrector.

Brushes to Use: I prefer using a small concealer brush for under eye correction & small blemish correction. My favorite is the Ben Nye DB-12. For larger area correction I like a larger concealer brush, such as the Ben Nye FCB-18.

When I was in training my mentor didn’t believe in color correctors, she felt they were a waste of time, money and product. Because of this, it was a belief I carried with me long into my solo career. However my eyes were opened and I don’t know how I went this long without it. The way it works is pretty simple. Using basic color theory, these colored correctors cancel out colors on the opposite side of the color scale. So basically, orange colors cancel out the blues and purples of dark eye circles. This little trick, takes only a few extra seconds to do, and blending a soft orange over dark circles will save your face and your clients. So, now, I am a strong believer and cannot live without this lovely little orange corrector.

I used to think that color correctors, you know the ones that come in lovely shades of orange, purple, green, etc, were a complete waste of money and time. I have since changed my tune. While I personally don’t find much use for the ones in purple, I am a very strong believer in the green and orange color correctors. It is now a staple of my Pro Kit.

There is something I really have to say about color correctors: Most skin colors can’t handle straight orange or green corrector without darkening the client’s skin or being too intense of a color. Seriously, correcting dark circles with a dark orange just makes more work for you. And smearing green all over your face and then putting your foundation over it is going to make you look like the Bride of Frankenstein on camera. So just DON’T DO IT. Ok, so the most efficient way to get the perfect coverage for your blemishes is to mix your orange or green corrector with a concealer that is 1 shade lighter than your skin color. Once you achieve the right shade of correction color apply to the blemishes, then blend out lightly before applying your foundation.

MUST KNOW: Color Correctors are NOT Concealers. Don’t expect the blemish to be 100% gone with the color corrector. Color Corrector removes undertone NOT blemish. You remove the undertone with the corrector, then use foundation and concealer to fully remove the blemish. Those steps will remove all blemishes and leave you with a light weight, natural foundation.

PURPLE: Ok, so we know there is a purple color corrector, but in the 16 years that I’ve been doing makeup I’ve never found a use for the purple. Purple Color Corrector is to counter Yellow blemishes. I’ve never had a client so yellow they needed a violet corrector. But, if you find that Purple works for you, use it. And drop me a comment and tell me how it’s worked for you.


There are many places you might need to use corrector. Some areas you might find you need an orange corrector would be under your eyes or on your lids. This corrector is for BLUE toned blemishes. Use orange under your eyes for these blemishes.

For purple toned undereye circles or lids use yellow corrector. Yellow also works for women of color who might have darker blemishes on their forehead, upper lips, darker rings around the neck, darker lines leading from the edges of the mouth or darker frown lines. Yellow helps counter the graying undertone and brightens the skin.

For pimples, redness in the nose, cheeks, chin, or even sun damage in the chest, use a Green color corrector.

Remember while doing correction if you turn Red/Flush in your chest, neck or face when you drink alcohol, exerting yourself or embarrassed. If you do make sure to color correct in those areas to prevent them turning red in photos later.

Areas that you may need to use blemish control:

Darker ring around the neck – this can be found more commonly in women of color. Yellow correctors work best to brighten and counter the blemish

Darker lines coming from the outer edges of the mouth – this can be found more commonly in women of color. Yellow correctors work best to brighten and counter the blemish

Darker pigment on forehead – this can be found more commonly in women of color. Yellow correctors work best to brighten and counter the blemish

Freckles – Yellow correctors work best to brighten and counter the blemish. NOTE: Freckles are not blemishes to everyone. Some clients love their freckles, some do not. Be sure to ask them.

Dark circles under eyes – orange corrector for blue toned circles, yellow for purple toned blemishes

Pimples – green to counter the red pigmentation

Rosacea – green to counter the red pigmentation

Bright pigmented cheeks, chin – green to counter the red pigmentation

Method Makeup Academy, Sacramento’s Makeup School

Storybooks Cosmetics Blue Shimmer

Image by Chalo Garcia from Pixabay

Hey everyone, I love me some blue eye shadow. Not the Mimi inspired blue that is an unblended mess from lashes to brow. For me it’s all about blending gorgeous shades of blue into a style that is flattering for my eye shape. Below is a step by step of a blue shadow pattern I love from my Storybook Cosmetics Little Briar Rose Palette. To watch a video tutorial of this look Click HERE

Steps for the shimmer blue:

  1. Using a light skin tone matte shadow set your brow bone area. I used the Tarte be you.naturally Palette for this step with a flat shadow brush, my Kryolan Art. 3714.
  2. Apply a Med/Lite color to inner half of lid, using your pupil as your mid-point. I used the Storybook Cosmetics Little Briar Rose Palette Fairies, which is a lite blue shimmer. I used my Kryolan Art. 3714 brush which has a nice flat edge.
  3. Apply Dark Color onto outer half of the lid blending softly over the middle so the colors blend gently into each other. For this I used the Storybook Cosmetics Little Briar Rose Palette Castle. I used my Kryolan Art. 3714 brush.
  4. Using my Morphe R39 brush to blend Castle into your crease and softly up onto brow bone.
  5. Using my Crown #SS011 brush blend your dark color, Storybook Cosmetics Little Briar Rose Palette Prince, into crease and blend softly up into the medium color keeping most of it into the deepest part of the crease to help contour your eye.

Optional Step – If needed apply Highlight to inner Tear Duct and at Arch of Eyebrow.

And there you have it, a shimmery fairy tale blue shadow.

Items used:

Storybook Cosmetics Little Briar Rose Palette

Tarte be you.naturally Palette

Kryolan Art. 3714 Brush

Morphe R39 Brush

Crown SS011 Brush

Method Makeup Academy, Sacramento’s Makeup School

Let’s Talk About Primer

Image by silviarita from Pixabay

I know a lot of people insist primer MUST be used on everyone. I mean every tutorial you see includes the use of a whole cosmetics store. However, that’s just not so. Whether or not you use primer has more to do with your skin than it does on what a tutorial or sales persons says.

You don’t have to use it. The choice is yours. So how can you determine if you need primer or not? There’s a few simple things to remember – Click HERE to watch a video demo – such as:

Is your skin very oily?

Yes? Then you probably won’t need that much primer if at all.

No? Well, that requires another question:

Are your pores tight and small?

Yes? You probably don’t need primer.

No, your pores aren’t small? They’re big? Ok, then you should consider a primer.

Is your skin dry with raised rough patches?

Yes? Use primer.

Do you have scars, blemishes, lots of fine lines or wrinkles?

Yes to all of the above means you might want to consider primer.

Are you over 45? Then you might want to consider a light primer.

Now that you’ve determined you need some primer, let’s get into a little detail about what primer is and why it works so you can determine which brand/type is best for you.

Primer is a base that acts as a smoothing agent for your liquid/powder foundations. It can help reduce the size of pours and help the makeup not settle into lines and creases.

A primer should be applied after your moisturizer and before the foundation. It’s essential to let it sink in for a few minutes to give it enough time to penetrate into your skin. Apply it with a sponge to areas with dry skin, enlarged pores or other blemishes. I find the T Zone is the area in most need of primer. A makeup primer should always be applied on clean skin. Less is always more with primer, because a little bit goes a very long way.

Benefits of using makeup primers:

  • Create a perfect surface for your makeup
  • Disguise skin flaws and imperfections
  • Makeup primers fill in fine lines and wrinkles
  • Make enlarged pores appear smaller and less visible
  • Keep cosmetics out of the pores’ don’t clog the pores
  • The makeup glides on smoothly and blends easily

I have two levels of priming that I use. Light base primer whenever I’m doing full face foundation on anyone. My preferred primer for this level is MAC Cosmetics’ MAC Fix+ Prep & Prime. For more extensive priming  ELF Cosmetics Poreless Primer and Touch in Sol No POREblem Prime Essence. Also for my mature clients I like to use QMS Medicosmetics Lip Line Corrector.

Now whatever Primer you choose to use, you want to make sure you are getting one that has enough silicone to make the skin smooth, but not too much as a high level of silicone will cause the primer to bead up when you go to apply the foundation with a brush or sponge and you will find yourself having to squish the little beads of silicone and pressing them into your skin! Talk about annoying!

Well, that’s my 2 cents on Primer!

Until next time!

Method Makeup Academy, Sacramento’s Makeup School

My Skincare Regimen

Hey everyone, great makeup starts with great skin. And for me great skin starts hydration. Skin requires lots of hydration, internally and externally. This means drinking lots and lots of water. On average a person needs to consume a minimum of 64 oz. of water, though ideally half your body weight in ounces is best. Of course the downside is many trips to the restroom, but the benefits outweigh those trips. Staying well hydrated flushes toxins out of our system which will leave our skin clearer, it will add more elasticity to our skin and reduce the appearance of the fine lines caused by dehydration. In addition to drinking enough fluids, a healthy diet is key to good skin. When we are eating things that truly nourish our body we will also find our skin reflects our overall health.

While your health plays a huge part towards having good skin, a good daily skin care regimen is recommended. For me that consists of the following (do keep in mind I have very dry skin and make those adjustments to your skin care routine as needed).

For a visual of my skin regimen check out this video! CLICK HERE

My weekly maintenance includes deep exfoliation with a Japanese Wash Cloth by Salux at least twice a week. I really like to use this with a gentle face cleanser as it will buff away dead skin, pull fresh blood flow to the surface and works very well to clean out blocked pores. The Japanese Wash Cloth is also effective in treating milea, those hard white beads that form under the skin that are almost impossible to remove without going to your dermatologist to have them surgically removed.

In additional to exfoliating with the Japanese Wash Cloth I use one to two times a week the Truffle Therapy Face Gommage by Skin & Co. I buff this lightly into my skin for two minutes before wiping away. It leaves my skin gently exfoliated and nicely hydrated.

My daily routine consists of the following:


Light rinse with cold water followed by QMS Medicosmetics Intensive Eye Cream gently blended into the skin around my eyes.  For this I use my PMD Clean facial cleansing device. It gently massages the product into my skin, helping firm and plump the skin around my eyes. After this I apply my Saturday Skin Glacier Water Cream (or when I have it my absolute FAVORITE by Touch In Sol Pretty Fitter Glassy Skin Balm) using the PMD Clean device as well.  I will then apply a light sunscreen before apply any cosmetics I plan to use that day.


Using my Makeup Remover cleansing cloth I remove all of my cosmetics with hot water and this cloth. I love this thing, it’s gently and cuts through even the toughest, waterproof products like butter. After I have removed the last remnants of cosmetics I will sometimes follow up with a light cleanser such as Cetapil while using my PMD Clean device to gentle exfoliate while cleansings. After rinsing with warm water and drying my skin I again use the QMS Medicosmetics Intensive Eye Cream followed by the moisturizer of my choice.

And there you have it. My skincare routine. It’s not too complicated, doesn’t take more than ten minutes in the morning, maybe a touch longer at night. It starts with a healthy diet, lots of water and protecting myself from the sun. It works for me and hopefully it works for you.

Whatever skin care regimen you choose, make sure you start taking care of your skin now. You’ll thank yourself later, I guarantee that!

Until next time!

Method Makeup Academy, Sacramento’s Makeup School

Purple Smokey Eye – With Video

Hey everyone, needed a little purple in my life. Below are the step by step instructions for how I achieved this colorful smokey eye. Follow this Link for the Video tutorial: HERE

Products used:

Coastal Scents 88 Color Eye Shadow Palette

Morphe Shadow Palettes (350M, Such a Gem & Boss Mood)

RCMA Concealor/Foundation

NYX Color Correctors

Ben Nye Loose Powder

Graftobian Setting Powder

Tarte Mascara Big Ego

Brushes Used:

Color Corrector/Concealor/Pressed Powder Application:

ELF Foundation Blurring Brush

Ben Nye DB-12 Concealor brush

Setting Powder:

Ben Nye Neutral Set Loose Powder


Morphe M165


Kryolan Art. 3714

Morphe R39

Crown SS011

Crown 237 mini smudger

Kryolan Art. 3806

I chose purples of various levels of color but kept them all cool toned. Mixing undertones can cause your shadow to look chaotic instead of blended and flowing. Using contrasting (i.e. complimentary) colors that have different undertones is different than using the same color scheme and clashing your undertones.

  1. Brow bone pale purple from the Coastal Scents 88 Color Palette. – Kryolan Art. 3714 brush (A pale purple shadow)
  2. Using a flat shadow brush apply Laven-Dare from the Such a Gem Morphe Shadow Palette to inner half of lid. – Kryolan Art. 3714 brush (A light purple shimmer)
  3. Using a flat shadow brush apply It’s Violit from the Such a Gem Morphe Shadow Palette onto outer half of the lid. – Kryolan Art. 3714 brush (a medium dark shimmer purple)
  4. Using a round blending brush apply Grape Minds from Such a Gem Morphe Shadow Palette into the crease and softly up onto brow bone. – Morphe R39 brush (matte medium purple)
  5. Place a darker color into crease, Make it Reign from the Such a Gem Morphe Shadow Palette and blend softly up into the medium color keeping most of it into the deepest part of the crease. – Morphe R39 brush (dark matte purple)
  6. For added dimension and depth I used the Morphe Boss Mood Palette color Transformer. Using the Crown SS011 brush I blended it into the deepest part of the crease to contour my eye. – Crown SS011 brush (very dark purple)
  7. To thicken my lash line I used Transformer (very dark purple) along the lash line and then my lower waterline in the outer half. – Kryolan Art. 3806 brush
  8. Using an angle liner brush applied Laven-Dare to inner waterline, then a touch of it under the brow bone and to the inner tear duct using the Crown 237 mini smudger
  9. For additional smoking out beneath the eye I smudged out Grape Minds beneath the lower waterline outer half of my eye. – Crown 237 mini smudger

And there you have it!

Method Makeup Academy, Sacramento’s Makeup School

Glow Ahead Illuminating Face Oil Review

Ok, so here’s the skinny on this. It’s a SHORT review because I couldn’t wear it. For one it has rose oil in it which immediately broke me out. But aside from the breakout what really had me shying away from this product was the shimmer in it. Some people are REALLY into the glowy look and don’t mind being blingy, but as a forty year old woman glitter on my face is NOT an appealing option. Glitter and shimmer and too much GLOW makes all those fine lines and cough, cough, wrinkles that start appearing after a certain age. So this is not the face oil for me.

Now, to be honest and fair, the fragrance is beautiful, the oil applies light and even and doesn’t leave you greasy or sticky. It’s a very nice product and for those of you who like the shimmer it would be a lovely addition to your skin prep routine. Though it is on the pricy side clocking in at $42 for only 0.84oz.

Wander Beauty Glow Ahead Illuminating Face Oil can be found at Sephora or through their website at: Wander Beauty.

So, there you have it!

Method Makeup Academy, Sacramento’s Makeup School

Saturday Skin Waterfall Glacier Water Cream Review

So, I’ve been using Saturday Skin Waterfall Glacier Water Cream for the past two months to keep my skin hydrated. All in all it’s not a bad product. But I’m not wowed by it. On the plus side it is very gentle for those of you like me with hyper-sensitive skin.

Active ingredients listed on its website are pretty friendly to the sensitive skin crowd:

Key Ingredients: 

-Alaska Glacier Water: Mineral-rich water protects skin from free radicals while promoting optimal absorption of moisture.
-Xpertmoist: A fusion of ferment extract and amino acids that shields skin from dehydration while improving skin vitality.
-Iceland Moss: Calms and reduces redness while promoting hydration.
-Cha-7 es Complex™: An exclusive peptide formula that promotes skin’s natural regeneration process.


It does nicely hydrate even my dry skin and a little bit goes a long way, so the $39 price tag won’t make you cringe because you’ll only need a tiny dab in the morning and another tiny dab each night. I’ve been using it religiously and have barely made a dent. All in all it’s a good product, but there are two things about it that I personally just don’t like.

  1. It smells a little odd to meet, not bad, just more medicinal. It IS a pretty mild smell, so it shouldn’t bother most people and after a few days I did get used to the smell.
  2. It feels cold and slimy. It’s a gel so for those of you who like a more creamy, lotion-y product that might be a turn off. I wasn’t a huge fan of the slimy and I’m still not a fan, but it’s not enough of an issue to keep me from recommending this product.
  3. And this is the one that really keeps me from giving this moisturizer a full 5 Starts: It leaves a residue on your skin that gums off throughout the day. I really, REALLY don’t like that. I like moisturizers that absorb and leave the skin clean feeling. Saturday Skin Waterfall Glacier Water Cream leaves a gummy film over your skin. To meet that’s annoying and it affects my makeup a little bit.

So, my overall rating? 4 Stars. Which ain’t too shabby! It is super gentle on your skin, very hydrating and a little bit goes a long way. If you don’t mind a gel style moisturizer and don’t think residue left on your skin is that big of a deal this moisturizer might just be your perfect skin care match.

Until next time….

Method Makeup Academy, Sacramento’s Makeup School

February Recap

Hey everyone, just a quick update and check in.

So far February has been a busy month for both Personify Bridal and Method Makeup Academy. You’d think this early in the year not much would be happening, but you’d be wrong. While still too early to be in full swing, bridal season has begun. We are currently heavy into engagement season, which means BRIDES, BRIDES, BRIDES! Last month, January, Personify Bridal booked 10 weddings for the 2020 Bridal Season. February has already seen 8 weddings booked! Very exciting! The first wedding of 2020 took place the day after Valentine’s with the beautiful Charlise. This coming Saturday we’ll be out at 2 more weddings.

Personify is looking at a big season, but that’s not all. Method Makeup Academy is very exciting to be introducing a Fashion & Editorial Boot Camp coming April 2020.

Are you guys READY for this?!?!?

A BRAND NEW class coming to our school! We are so excited. We’ve kept this hush hush for a while now while we’ve been putting it together just right for you guys and now we proudly – and excitedly – present our spring launch of the “Fashion & Editorial Bootcamp”. This class is an intensive 2 Day experience for any artist. (It is preferred you have taken our Pro Makeup Class, are licensed Cosmo or Esti, or have basic makeup experience. Not recommended for beginners). Not sure where you fall? Just reach out!

This advanced class will be taking you through:

-skin prep to create flawless and clean magazine skin

-face charting for success -creating a mood with color and mixed media

-tapping into your inner artist (looks will be creative)

-portfolio builder with in house photo shoot at the end of class of your finished work to submit and keep for your book.

We are SO EXCITED to bring this to you there is no other class like it in Nor Cal and we took the time and steps to make it unique for you that being said we are only taking a group of 5 at a time for this workshop. And as a launch special we are offering our first group special pricing of $400 (regular price $575)

Contact us at (916) 899-7047 OR dm us to reserve your spot!!

Method Makeup Academy, Sacramento’s Makeup School

Product Review: Dr. Brandt’s 24/7 Retinol Eye Cream

Hi Everyone,

For the last month I’ve been using Dr. Brandt’s 24/7 Retinol Eye Cream morning and night. Now, to start I will admit my eyes aren’t in desperate need of an eye cream, however, as I am now in my 4th decade there are some fine lines developing. While I’m embracing my aging it doesn’t mean I want to neglect my skin and speed up the process. So I was really happy to try out this eye cream. Made with Retinol and their Ruby Crystal Complex (Whatever that is supposed to mean….I mean really, crushed rubies? How are rubies supposed to make my eyes look younger???) This is a lightweight eye cream that is to be applies along your eye socket each night. I’ve been doing it morning and night because, why not? A small amount is all you need, patted in gently with the pad of your finger so you don’t bruise or stretch the skin.  It feels nice, is very gentle for those with sensitive skin like myself, however I haven’t noticed any change to my eyes. No plumping, no smoothing, nothing.

I was hoping I would notice something in almost 30 days of consistent use, however there has been no improvement. True it hasn’t made my skin worse, but it’s really hard for me to recommend you buy a $55 product when there’s nothing to show for it.

My opinion? Not worth the price tag. Yes it smells nice, yes it’s gentle, but so are many, MANY eye creams and lotions out there. Don’t waste your dimes on this one folks. Sorry Dr. Brandt, it’s time for you to try again.

Until next time,


Method Makeup Academy, Sacramento’s Makeup School