Tag Archives: Cosmetics

Journey to Personal Growth: Your Guide to Finding Success

Method Makeup Academy offers intense training in the history, theory and application of professional beauty makeup. Contact us today to learn more! (916) 899-7047

Photo Credit: Pexels

Journey to Personal Growth: Your Guide to Finding Success

Personal growth is something that everyone strives for, but it can be challenging to achieve. It’s hard to know where to start and what direction to take. Fortunately, the road to personal growth doesn’t have to be a lonely and confusing path. In this blog post, we’ll provide you with tips for finding success on your journey to personal growth. Whether you’re looking to improve your business, personal life, or both, these tips presented by Method Makeup Academy will help you gain the momentum you need to achieve your goals.

Associate with Only Upbeat Individuals

The people you surround yourself with can have a significant impact on your level of success. Calm Sage notes that surrounding yourself with positive, upbeat individuals will help you stay motivated and inspired. Seek out individuals who share your values and encourage you to pursue your dreams. Associate with people who help you grow and push you forward. Eliminate negativity from your life by distancing yourself from individuals who drain your energy.

Engage in a New Pastime

Engaging in a new pastime has huge benefits for personal growth. Hobbies help reduce stress, increase creativity, and build confidence. If you’ve been putting off starting a new hobby or pursuing a passion, now is the time to start. Sign up for that cooking class you’ve been thinking about, start that painting project, or join a local sports league. Engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment.

Be Physically Active

Have you ever noticed that you feel better when you’re moving? And yet it’s so easy to get stuck in a sedentary lifestyle. If you feel stuck, take small opportunities to get up and move. Instead of parking in the closest spot, park farther from the door and walk. Or instead of taking the elevator for your next appointment, take the stairs. You may be surprised how those small changes add up to feeling better about yourself.

Start a New Career

Now may be the perfect time to consider changing career direction. Before embarking on the journey of starting a new career, it’s crucial to make a resume that is professional and compelling, and fortunately, this can be easily achieved with free online resume templates. These resources offer a plethora of professionally designed templates, allowing you to select one that best suits your industry and personal style.

The process is straightforward: choose your template and then customize it by adding your own text, such as work experience, educational background, and skills. To make your resume stand out, you can also incorporate personal touches like photographs, a color scheme that reflects your professional persona, and any relevant images or graphics. This approach not only saves time but also ensures that your resume has a polished and professional look, significantly enhancing your chances of catching the attention of potential employers in your new chosen career path.

Initiate an LLC Enterprise

Starting a new business can be a significant step towards personal growth. If you have an entrepreneurial spirit, starting an LLC enterprise can help you achieve your goals. Initiate a business that you are passionate about and that aligns with your values. Proactively research your business niche, consider your target audience, and network with other business owners. Starting your own business can be challenging, but it also provides a remarkable opportunity for personal growth.

Continue Your Education

Going back to school for personal growth can foster intellectual stimulation, enhance self-confidence, and broaden perspectives through learning and interacting with diverse ideas and individuals. For example, when you earn an online EdD it offers numerous benefits, particularly in terms of flexibility and accessibility. It allows professionals to continue their education without disrupting their current work and personal commitments, as online programs typically offer more adaptable schedules compared to traditional, on-campus courses.

The focus of an EdD is often on practical, applied learning rather than purely theoretical studies, making it highly relevant for those looking to implement effective changes in educational settings. This can lead to enhanced leadership and administrative skills, better policy-making abilities, and improved educational practices, all of which are vital for advancing in the field of education.

Maintain Transparent Dialogues with Loved Ones

Maintaining open and transparent dialogues with loved ones is crucial for personal growth. Communication is the foundation for healthy relationships and good mental health. Headspace suggests avoiding building up resentments and addressing conflicts productively. Make time for your family and friends and prioritize the relationships that matter most to you. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it.

Concentrate on Optimistic Thinking

An optimistic mindset is a powerful tool for personal growth. Believe in yourself and your abilities. Focus on your strengths and approach challenges with positivity. Negative thinking can derail your progress and lead to self-doubt. Use positive affirmations and practice daily gratitude to maintain a positive mindset.

Venture Beyond Your Comfort Zone

Stepping outside of your comfort zone can be intimidating, but it’s necessary for personal growth. Growth and progress can’t be achieved by staying within the confines of your comfort zone. Take risks, try new things, and embrace uncertainty. You never know what you’re capable of until you try.

Persevere to Find Growth and Success

Personal growth is a lifelong journey that requires hard work and dedication. Remember that the road to personal growth may be challenging, but the rewards of self-improvement and a better version of yourself are worth it. We hope you found these tips helpful and inspiring as you embark on your journey to personal growth.

Method Makeup Academy, Sacramento’s Makeup School

Blemish Control for Male Clients for Film/TV & Weddings

Image by Thomas Ulrich from Pixabay

Male makeup comes in may levels and degrees, you have the shine control that you see for most interviews and corporate headshots, the minimal coverage and “natural” makeup you find on film and every step that increases to full face.

Below are a few tips for doing male blemish control for TV/Film and additional tips for Grooms on their big day.

Blemish Control for TV:

Oil control and shine control is the main concern for this type of makeup. The client is do be fully mattified with very, very minimal coverage of makeup to ensure the most natural of appearances. Products used are very lightly applied and the main focus is the reduction of shine. If you have time to do a more thorough application, use the following steps:

Mattify and cleanse with Micellar water and a cotton swab. Let fully dry

Add Mehron Skin Prep Pro, or other such facial antiperspirant to hair line and t-zone. Allow to fully dry.

Apply a light moisturizer as needed to any dry zones on the client’s face/.

Prime very lightly if needed with a mattifying primer over any enlarged pores. Apply with sponge and allow to dry.

For undereye circles, eyelid pigmentation and any other pigmentation blemishes use RCMA cream foundation and apply very lightly with a sponge, fingertips for a firm small domed blender. Buff away all excessive product to avoid any risk of creasing under the stage lights.

Set entire face with RCMA Translucent Setting Powder or Ben Nye Colorless Setting Powder, these are your best options for film and will avoid any ashy appearance on camera. Set well then buff away all excessive powder with a dry domed blender to remove any risk of causing an ashy effect on camera.

Last but not least tame that facial hair using a mascara spoolie and if needed a spritz of hairspray on the spoolie.

Now, if you don’t have time for any of that do these five steps:

Drape your client

Moisturize under eyes and any dry patches.

Conceal very lightly under eyes and over lids, buff excess off thoroughly.

Set entire face well with setting powder, buff excess off thoroughly.

Groom facial hair.

Now for our lovely grooms. They take a little more TLC and you will certainly have more time to pamper them on their special day. You still want to keep a light hand; however, the lighting and type of photography will allow a little more product if needed.

Mattify hairline and t-zone with Mehron Skin Prep Pro

Moisturize under eyes and any dry patches

Apply lip balm and let set. That first kiss should be a pleasant experience for both parties!

Apply color correction to any blemishes as needed. Buff excess off thoroughly before apply a very light layer of concealer under eyes and on lids and any where else you might need a very, very slight evening out of tone.

Set thoroughly with Ben Nye Colorless setting powder (darker tones for clients of darker skin tones) and buff off excess thoroughly.

Groom facial hair, spraying as needed to control brows and beards.

Additional options your client may benefit from and appreciate:

A touch of very soft brown liner to top lash line

A touch of brown mascara. Once you apply a single coat take a clean wand and brush out the lashes thoroughly so that they are only very slightly tinted.

A touch of brow mascara, very lightly applied and very thoroughly brushes out just to leave a slight tint to the hairs.

And there you have it, some tips on Male Blemish Control Makeup.

Method Makeup Academy, Sacramento’s Makeup School

Learn what they don’t teach in Beauty School

Learn everything about makeup they didn’t teach you in beauty school!

In 2007 Method Makeup began our very first makeup workshops. They started simply enough, a single day Smokey Eye class for local cosmetologists to teach the latest trend. That single class was the catalyst for our whole program for one simple reason, these licensed Estis and Cosmos didn’t know the basics of color matching or shadow contouring for various eye shapes. What they had learned in beauty school had allowed them to pass the State Board, yet it left them with no real-world skills to offer their clients. In the last 16 years not much has changed in what the cosmetology schools teach, even the best programs can’t go into the specialized and detailed training required to create a skilled makeup artist. They’re job is to prepare their students to pass the State Board to become licensed, leaving their graduates with a basic understanding, yet no true knowledge of how to work with clients of all ages, skin colors and skin types. These students are able to pass the written and practical tests where sanitation is the focus, yet when faced with clients they don’t have a clear understanding of color matching, of undertone, of facial structure and proper shadow placement for every eye shape.

That’s why Method Makeup was created, to bring these foundational techniques to our students, to help them become truly professional makeup artists. Artists who can work on any skin color, handle any skin type, face shape and eye shape. Our Pro Class teaches all the necessary skills, including business development, so you can begin your career as a Professional Makeup Artist with all the skills of a true Pro.

Method Makeup Academy, Sacramento’s Makeup School

Tips for Feeling Your Best as a Pandemic-Era Mom


The new year is all about fresh starts. And after a particularly rocky year, we could all use a little positive change in our lives — especially those of us with little ones! Moms have had to grapple with countless challenges throughout the pandemic, from navigating remote work to balancing childcare demands. It’s time you did a little something for yourself!

At Method Makeup Academy, we know how important it is for moms to prioritize their own health and wellbeing. Cultivating simple self-care habits will help you feel — and look — your best while stuck at home with the little ones.

Energize Your Home

It’s no secret that the pandemic has changed our relationship with our homes. The home is no longer a place we retreat to at the end of a long workday — it’s a fitness center, a restaurant, a school, and an office. For many moms, spending all of this time at home is nothing new, but without those precious outings to the coffee shop or gym, it’s easy to go a little stir-crazy.

Revamp your home to breathe new life into your living space. You’d be amazed at what a little cleaning and decluttering can do for your mental energy. Redfin even suggests cleansing bad energy from your home with the Native American technique of smudging. With a little spring cleaning, your home will feel lighter, brighter, and more positive.

Refresh Your Wardrobe

Like your home, your clothing can also impact how you feel throughout the day. If your wardrobe doesn’t make you feel energized, happy, confident, and beautiful, it’s time for an upgrade. Sort through your clothing and say goodbye to items that are worn out or ill-fitting. Replace these with some new clothes that will stand the test of time. In the long run, you can save a lot of money by avoiding fast fashion and investing in pieces made from high-quality, sustainable materials.

Remember, you should never sacrifice comfort for style. The right clothing will make you feel and look your best, whether you’re running errands with the kids or hopping on a Zoom call for work. Think leggings, T-shirts, dresses, cardigans, and soft bras without underwire.

Prioritize Sleep

Sleep is one of the most overlooked contributing factors to a happy and stress-free life. Parents, in particular, tend to sacrifice sleep to plug away at housework or log a few extra hours of work late in the evening. Instead of an afterthought, try to make sleep a priority in the new year.

As HuffPost suggests, adopting a bedtime ritual can help you maintain a regular sleep schedule and encourage you to switch off your devices and allow your mind to wind down for bed. Getting a good night’s sleep every night will ensure you have the energy you need to keep up with your busy life and cope with the stress of the ongoing pandemic.

Let Go of Guilt

Mom guilt is incredibly common and all too real. Whether you’re running a home business, working remotely, or commuting to the office daily, you are bound to experience mom guilt from time to time. Mom guilt can be paralyzing, especially when everything on your plate is already pushing the boundaries of your mental capacity.

The Balance Careers offers a quick way to dispel mom guilt when you have to leave your kids and focus on work. Create a credo or statement that reassures you that you’re making the right choice, like “I work to support my family and empower myself to be the best mom I can be.” Repeating this mantra can help you move past that feeling of guilt and get down to work!

Adapting to parenthood during the pandemic is about more than merely surviving the daily grind. It’s about thriving in your role as a mother and working professional. It’s about making time to focus on the things that matter, such as getting a good night’s sleep and treating yourself to some comfortable clothing.

Are you looking to begin your career as a professional makeup artist? If so, Method Makeup Academy can provide you with the skills necessary for success. Call us at (916) 899-7047 or email methodmakeup@gmail.com to learn more about enrollment.

Method Makeup Academy, Sacramento’s Makeup School

The Skinny on Magnetic Lashes

Hello my lovelies, I’ve been asked so many times by my clients if Magnetic Lashes are worth it. Well, here’s what I think! Have you worn them? What do you think? Is your opinion different than mine? Drop a comment and let me know.

Method Makeup Academy, Sacramento’s Makeup School

The Starlet – The Vamp – Trying my hand at Kevyn Aucoin’s “Making Faces”

Hello my lovelies! This is the easiest look I’ve done so far. But I do like the fresh faced effect. Had to do some modifying to make my RCMA foundation work, but I did it!Did you try this one yourself? Let me know how it went! Got a look you want me to replicate? Drop a comment below!

Method Makeup Academy, Sacramento’s Makeup School

The Flapper – Trying my hand at Kevyn Aucoin’s Making Faces

Hello my lovelies, round three of recreating looks from Kevyn Aucoin’s “Making Faces”. Replicating this one brought on a round of nostalgia for my younger, goth days! I really might start adding this back into my personal makeup repertoire! Did you try this one yourself? Let me know how it went! Got a look you want me to replicate? Drop a comment below!

Method Makeup Academy, Sacramento’s Makeup School

The Innocent – Trying my hand at Kevin Aucoin’s “Making Faces”

Hello my lovelies! I’ve been wanting to try this since I first discovered Kevin Aucoin’s “Making Faces” when I was a baby makeup artist in 2004. In this series of videos I’ll be replicating his GREAT LOOKS from the back of the book. Try along with me and let me know how your attempts went. Did you find your new signature look? Drop a comment and let me know! Until next time!

Method Makeup Academy, Sacramento’s Makeup School

July’s BoxyCharm Unboxing

Hello my lovelies! It’s that time of the month again, BOXYCHARM! This month I got good f

Hello my lovelies!

It’s that time of the month again, BOXYCHARM!

This month I got good for my hair, brows and skin! If you haven’t gotten yours yet and are still waiting, mine weighed in at 0.7lbs.

If you HAVE gotten yours, what goodies did you get that I didn’t?

Drop a comment and let me know!

Method Makeup Academy

Sacramento’s Makeup School

“Bringing Makeup to the Masses”

Email: Methodmakeup@gmail.com

2024 Pro Makeup Classes

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/methodmakeup/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MethodMakeupAcademy

Method Makeup Academy, Sacramento’s Makeup School

June 2021 BoxyLuxe Unboxing

Hello my Lovelies! It’s that time of the month again! BoxyLuxe/BoxyCharm! This month it’s all about skin! I’m so happy with this box! Did you get yours? What did you get in yours? Drop a comment and tell me below.

Method Makeup Academy, Sacramento’s Makeup School