Clean Face, Happy Face

It may seem silly, an article about how to properly clean your face.  I mean really?  Isn’t this something we learned when we were toddlers?  Well yes and no.

Yes we can keep the dirt off our face, but most of us don’t know the proper way to keep our skin from clogging with comedones or worse having acne!  God forbid!

So, here’s a few steps that will keep your skin clean and clear and looking amazing!

First there are the tools, of course.

One of the best face washes, the most bang for the buck has got to be Cedipil, and you can find it at Wal-Mart for under $10!  Get the one for Oily Skin; it works wonderful for all skin types, I kid you not, have yet to find anything better on the market.  It doesn’t lather, so don’t use too much try to get suds.  This is a real face wash and not body wash, no suds is a good thing.

You also want to have an exfoliant, a manual one, so no apricot scrubs or muds; I am talking a good manual cloth.  Wash clothes work, but the best thing you can get is a Japanese Wash Cloth.  You can find them at most oriental markets or even import stores like Cost Plus World Market.  You can also find them online I am sure.  If you can’t find one you can use a good old fashioned wash cloth or you can finally make use of that darned Kabuki Brush!  Yes, Kabuki brushes can be used as exfoliators.  Strange huh?

Ok, now for the steps:

  1. Pre-wet your face with warm or hot water.  This opens up the pores so the exfoliant and wash can work.
  2. Apply face wash directly to your skin.  Do not put on your washcloth/Kabuki Brush, as this will waste product.
  3. Vigorously exfoliate, this does not mean taking skin off, this just means a nice healthy scrub that will get all the makeup/oils/etc. off.
  4. Then rinse your face thoroughly with warm water.  Then one last rinse with cold.  The cold water will now close your pores so that nothing gets back into them now that they are all cleaned out.

When you are wearing makeup, you may wish to wash your face twice.  If using liquid foundation three times is even better to make sure all of skin is cleaned.

Well there you have it.  The proper way to wash your face!

Method Makeup Academy, Sacramento’s Makeup School