Avoid the Blue in Black

Does your black eye shadow always seem to look gray or worse blue-ish on you every time you apply it?  You love that smoky eyed look that everyone else seems to always be able to rock, but the black is just not your friend?

You’ve tried every brand, from MAC to Maybelline and still you can’t get your black to stay black.

Well, here’s two tricks that’ll keep your black as dark as you want it to be.

Option One:  This one costs money so if you are on a tight budget like the rest of us, skip ahead to Option Two.  Now, because I know you are still reading this, here’s the first tip.  You can purchase a good cream eye shadow of a light or nude tone.  Apply this to your whole lid, then apply the black eye shadow.  The lighter color should help the black to really pop.  But, if you’re budget demands you save your pennies and dimes, or you’re tired of buying yet another piece of makeup, try:

Option Two:  This one is simple, easy and works every time.  Apply your highlighter as you normally would, then wherever you plan to apply the black eye shadow, lightly apply a neutral medium to light brown.  Then pack your black shadow over the brown and blend out.  The soft neutral brown will cancel out any affect the black eye shadow has on your skin tone and will keep the black true, dark and fabulous to smoke out and get a sexy cat eye.

Now you have no reason to be afraid of black, get out there, grab your brushes and have fun!

Method Makeup Academy, Sacramento’s Makeup School